I am an aspiring AI Engineer. I am experienced in Python, Machine learning, C, Java, Deep Learning , Data Cleaning. I have also done some real life project for some company.
Python Automation Engineer "Intern"
As a backend developer, I played a pivotal role in the development of a Face Recognition Based Attendance System. My responsibilities included real-time face recognition implementation. I contributed to the project's success by managing databases, ensuring seamless data flow, and integrating various components. This System features an admin dashboard for efficient monitoring of student attendance..
As part of a fellowship, my team and I are developing an AI-based proctoring system for online exams. This system integrates advanced AI and computer vision technologies such as face detection, gaze tracking, head pose detection, mobile phone detection, and multi-person detection. The goal is to ensure exam integrity by accurately detecting suspicious behavior while respecting student privacy. By implementing these features into a web application, we aim to enhance the reliability and security of online testing, balancing automated AI monitoring with human review.
For my Final Year project, I undertook the development of TempleVision. In this project, I fine-tuned the generative model DeOldify using 2,500 colorful images of temples, specifically from Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. The primary goal was to enhance the model s ability to colorize black-and-white photos into vibrant, colorful images, preserving the cultural essence of the temples.
For the Phoenix Tech Fest hackathon, I collaborated on developing Paiso.com, a financial literacy platform. The project aims to empower users to make informed financial decisions through tools like Paiso.com Insights, Smart Invest, and Financial Mastery Courses. We also integrated Hari, a Nepali chatbot, to guide users and enhance their learning experience. Additionally, the DemoTrade feature allows users to practice stock trading with virtual money, making financial education interactive and accessible.
The "ExoStock Time Series Forecasting" project aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of historical stock data for Nepal top 30 Stock. Using time series analysis techniques, the project seeks to gain insights into the trends, patterns, and potential future performance of Nabil's stock.
My name is Jyotsan Hamal, and I'm a Student who is currently studying BIT at Lincoln University. I like to research anything that tweaks my interest especially at the fields of NLP, you can check my github repo i have done some projects and research and.... that's all about me
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